About this page

This page is my first attempt at using CSS for designing a webpage. This attempt took place at the beginning of the century. You decide if it went well or not.
By the way, this site looks awful in Netscape 4.x, and probably also other older browsers, that don't know CSS2.

I've made the page to look as close as possible to GNU Emacs. The default colors are more or less the ones I use in my Emacs.
I plan to add a customization feature thingy when I get the time, so the site can be viewed in your favorite Emacs colors.

I haven't been able to get the look totally like the real thing, but I think I'm pretty close. Judge for yourself.

These days I'm using Emacs 22 or Emacs 23. It looks more or less like this:
Emacs 23 just after I
started it

When I first made this site I was using Emacs 20, which looks more or less like this: Emacs 20 just after I started it

Both screenshots are made just after I started Emacs.

Why Emacs?

Why not?
Well, I spend a lot of time using Emacs, and the more I use it the more I love it. So I figured I might as well make an emacs out of my website. If you like it I'm glad, if you don't ... too bad.

By the way, this site was created using Emacs 20.7.

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This page is brought to you by GNU emacs, Linux, Apache and PHP.
It was made by Jacob Bunk Nielsen.

Valid HTML 4.0! Valid CSS!